A tribute to all of the wonderful people who have been involved with the games!
Bjørn Peare Bartholdy
- Affiliation: TU Delft
- Role: GHOST member, Data Steward
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3985-1016
- Favourite game: Ticket to Ride
- Contributed to: Open Loves Science
I have a PhD in archaeological science, and I work as a Data Steward at TU Delft. I enjoy promoting Open Science in my field and applying OS practises to my own research, as well as training researchers to use tools that can make their work more reproducible.
Lieke de Boer
- Affiliation: Netherlands eScience Center
- Role: GHOST member, Community Manager
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3381-2040
- Favourite game: Codenames
- Contributed to: Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity, Open Loves Science
Stefan Kirsch
- Affiliation: Tilburg University
- Role: GHOST member, Data Steward
- ORCID: 0009-0009-6939-411X
- Favourite game: Dixit
- Contributed to: Open Science Against Humanity, Open ♥ Science
I have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and I support researchers with scientific software engineering as well as making their workflows reproducible.
Elisa Rodenburg
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Role: GHOST member, Data Steward
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6068-9792
- Favourite game: Beverbende or Beaver Gang
- Contributed to: Data Horror Escape Room, Open Science Escape Room, Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity and Open Loves Science
I am a Data Steward in the VU University Library and have a background in history. I consult researchers about good Data Management practices for their research and try to promote Open Science along the way. One of my most successful moments at work was when a researcher concluded that writing good documentation is not just good for reproducibility purposes, but would also make it easier for them to remind themselves what they did.
Stephanie van de Sandt
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Role: GHOST member, Training Coordinator
- ORCID: 0000-0002-9576-1974
- Favourite game: Mansions of Madness, Sleeping Gods, Castles of Burgundy, … my game collection on BGG
- Contributed to: Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity, Open Loves Science
I work as an OS & RDM training coordinator at the VU University Library with a background in Library & Information Science. Supporting researchers by providing training so that they can help themselves is essential for my job, but I believe that training does not necessarily need to be bland and boring. Developing GHOST gamified training resources was not only a great learning experience for myself, but also helps to make our workshops more attractive and to raise awareness around OS, RDM, and Software Management.
Tycho Hofstra
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Role: GHOST member, Data Steward
- ORCID: 0009-0009-7320-864X
- Favourite game: Dominion
- Contributed to: Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity, Open Loves Science
I am a Data Steward & OS advocate at the VU University Library. Together with my colleague I provide courses on Writing a Data Management Plan, Open Science and all sorts of RDM affiliated subjects. As long as your question is not substantially about your research itself, I can probably help you further. Fun fact: I’ve never won Dominion, even though it is my favorite game.
Meron Vermaas
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Role: GHOST member, Research Software Management Coordinator
- ORCID 0009-0007-0249-1957
- Favourite game: Space Alert
- Contributed to: Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity, Open Loves Science
Lena Karvovskaya
- Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Role: GHOST member, Community Manager RDM and OS
- Favourite game: Dixit (and it’s Russian version Imaginarium)
- Contributed to: Data Horror Escape Room, Open Science Escape Room, Software Horror Escape Room, Open Science Against Humanity, Open Loves Science
I’ve been involved in the Horror Weeks since 2019, back when I was working at Utrecht University. I remember a meeting with colleagues from Utrecht and TU Delft where we discussed the international Love Data Week. We couldn’t help but laugh at how cheesy it was—it was obvious we needed a darker, edgier counterpart. That’s when the idea for Data Horror Week was born. In the end of October 2019, we launched a national awareness campaign: a week-long social media campaign featuring stories from researchers about research data management (RDM) disasters, and the valuable lessons learned from those missteps.
When I moved to VU Amsterdam in 2020, I was excited to carry the idea forward. I envisioned expanding Data Horror Week into a fun and engaging national campaign. Of course, 2020 had other plans—everything had to go digital. But then Elisa Rondenburg came up with a brilliant idea: an online Escape Room. Thanks to connections we built in 2019, we managed to set up a collaboration between several institutions, and by Halloween, we had this fun and educative game ready to go. It was such a hit that we couldn’t stop there, and it sparked years of creative projects, combining horror RDM and Open Science in playful and engaging ways.